Scott's favorite time of the year is the summer when we participate in a bowling league with our good friends, Dave and Penny. We basically had to get shirts (which we're the only team that has matching shirts) because we are awesome! Our team name is Spare Force One...hence the arm angle showing a spare. We know strikes are better, but Strike Force One just didn't sound as fun.
This is our second summer doing the league and we absolutely love it. We usually bowl on Sunday nights (and my mom comes to watch Keira which is awesome), but that may be changing next year. We will not be bowling under our league on Sunday's anymore because the President/Secretary of it suck! They do not know how to manage a business properly and completely lost a team that always paid on time and were consistent in showing up.
Long story short...we had to post bowl for the 14th of August because Penny and Dave were out of town and we figure if we're paying anyway we might as well bowl instead of using our averages. So, the week we missed just happened to be against the president's team. This past weekend (the 21st) was the last official week for team results. So, we were supposed to bowl 5 days prior to the 21st for it to count, but due to a miscommunication with the league we didn't realize this was our last week to do this. We had called in several times to the bowling alley confirming when we were coming in, leaving messages for the league secretary, etc, and we were never informed that if we didn't bowl 5 days prior to the 21st that our points wouldn't count. Of course I bowled a 168 in our post bowl session (my average is only 113) but of course that doesn't count now. We were so pissed and the league wouldn't do anything about it to try and make it right. They were arguing with us back and forth. The President is a moron and it's convenient that they won't even try to work with us and we went against his team (and would likely have beat them).
So, with that said, we are in the market for a new league next year because we love it so much this won't stop us. But they've lost a team now and with this economy not many people are running out to join a bowling league to pay out money every week. So, their loss!
We did improve over last year though which is awesome! This year I almost started out with my average at the end of last season. Penny really improved too. Scott went from a 133 average to around a 155 average. Crazy! And of course our anchor, Dave, had something around 180 at the end of last season and was around 206 or so this season.
We LOVE bowling!!!