Keira and her Papi
Keira and her cousin/uncle Kris
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year not only hosting my family at our house, but also some of Scott's family. It was so fun to have a full house and the food was delicious as always! Keira had a wonderful time socializing with everyone as she is quite the people person. My mom came over early to help me cook (i.e. she pretty much made everything and I supervised). Not only did we cook all day, but I also had to set my game plan for Black Friday. Big day! The house was quite chaotic throughout the day, but we all made it out in one piece and after two hours of washing dishes I was able to relax and get ready for bed to prep for shopping the next day.
My mom and I didn't do the midnight shopping this year like we normally do as we weren't in need of any big ticket items, but we did venture out at 3:30a for our shopping adventure. We were finished by 7:30a (no lines and awesome sales) and were able to get back home so Scott could go into work. Seriously though, Home Depot opened at 5a and there was a line there at 4:30a! How is that possible? We also ventured out later in the day as well, but we needed a little break to get our second wind. Also, Keira is not quite a fan of shopping yet so it's not quite the fun time expected when she tags along. Though at Macy's she was chatting with this woman behind us in line. She's quite the social butterfly.
So, all in all, it was a successful Thanksgiving and 75% of my shopping was complete. I love this time of year.
Furiously prepping the Black Friday game plan/supervising the cooking
Keira scouting out the toy catalog to fill out her Christmas wish list.