I just love Christmas and though decorating is sometimes a pain, the end product is wonderful! Scott put up the outside decorations over Thanksgiving weekend, but we didn't get our inside decorations done until the week after. I love to keep them up as long as possible. We had to do a little re-decorating and moving some toys around but we did it. So now the tree is up and there are presents underneath. It looks so festive inside. The dogs have been fabulous again this year and haven't messed with the tree or presents once. I can't say the same for Keira as she continues to go to the presents and attempt to open them. We're working on that, but she is only 8 months after all. My favorite is when she sits in front of the tree, points at it and smiles, and then she turns and looks at me or Scott and smiles. She is loving the tree even though she doesn't really know what it's doing there.
Helping put up the tree

Climbing over displaced toys to make sure they're all there
Checking out what's in the Christmas tubs

Making sure this strand of lights work
Helping daddy put up the stockings