Friday, May 31, 2013

The heat is quickly approaching!

Another month has flown by.  I usually say this about the entire year as well, but at the beginning of the month it seems like it'll go so slow, but by the last day of the month it's like "where did the month go?"  We've continued to stay busy but towards the end of May it's been nice to have a little bit of down time instead of it being go, go, go constantly.

One of the most exciting things about May was that our summer bowling league started up again!  YAY!!  We look forward to this all year long and like to call it the McFarland/Foegal Sunday Funday as our teammates are two of our closest friends, Penny and Dave.  When Sunday nights roll around we are in it to win it!  Also, it was of course Mother's Day and it was such a wonderful, relaxing day.  Scott's parents and grandparents, as well as my mom, came over to our house for brunch and it was delicious.  We also watched golf all day which was pretty fun too.  My present from Scott and the girls was amazing!  Scott made it himself and it is now hanging on our kitchen wall.

Now for the updates on the girls.

Leila had her 6 month check up and she is a healthy girl and all looked good!  She weighed in at 14 lbs 12 oz (22%) and 26 1/2 inches (71%).  In comparison to Keira at the same age, Leila is 1 pound heavier but also 3/4 inches taller.  We've just got some petite ladies 'cause they can both eat like champs!

Leila also has a few other milestones to mention.  She is now crawling and she just started pushing herself to a seated position from her stomach.  In fact, she scared the crap out of me last night as I woke up and heard her and when I looked at the monitor she was sitting up with her hands on the edge of her crib trying to pull herself up.  I don't think I've ever jumped out of bed that fast in my life.  Needless to say, Scott lowered the crib before bed tonight.  Speaking of sleeping, She is also pretty much sleeping from 6:30P to about 6:00A.  we've been blessed with good sleepers though there are definite differences we've noticed in their sleep patterns as well.

Doesn't everyone wear coffee filters as a hat?

Loves to jump!

Loves to play!

Loves to eat!

Keira is still making us laugh, but she's also been having several terrible two's moments the last few days, which has us trying to not rip our hair out.  It's so frustrating and sad when she won't listen and just cries and cries.  Of course it's just a phase and I try to just remember in those moments how adorable she normally is and some of the funny things she does or says.  So far it's worked.  Let's see how long that lasts.

Ever since Keira was 6 months old she only used her pacifier while she slept, so we continually put off completely taking it away with various excused like she only uses it at night, it falls out of her mouth during the night anyway, we're traveling soon so let's not yet, and more.  Well, one night the inevitable happened and we could not find her 'paci.'  Poor thing was devastated.  And by devastated I mean crying and screaming so loud during her bath that I thought Leila was going to wake up.  We don't actually have any other pacis in the house so we couldn't do anything about it after an exhaustive search turned up empty handed.  She finally calmed down while she was getting her pajamas on and during her nighttime books.  As we laid her down she asked for her paci a few times, but as we walked out of the room she was silent.  Ahhh!!!  I figured she'd wake up in the middle of the night and want it for comfort, but she is quite the champion sleeper and we were so lucky.  She did ask for it the next two nights but there was no crying.  After that nothing.  Of course the inevitable happened and about a week later she found it.  She had put it in Leila's nightstand.  What?!?!  It's been amazing and it was so easy and now she found it?  Well, Scott told her she was a big girl and only babies use pacis and that was that.  Isn't it supposed to be more difficult than that?  We know that we were lucky.  For Leila, we will likely take it away right around a year as she doesn't care for it much anyway and I'd rather avoid the drama.

Another funny story involves the bathroom.  We aren't proactively potty training, but she does like to use the potty at times and we figure after our Los Angeles trip maybe we'll just do it. She also LOVES wearing big girl pants.  In fact she states "I no like diapers." So one day I was upstairs feeding Leila and my mom was downstairs with Keira.  Keira said she wanted to go pee and so my mom took her in and she did her thing.  After she flushed the toilet she still had no pants on and started playing with my mom by shutting the bathroom door and opening it, and then laughing so loud.  One time she opened it and had a shocked look on her face and said, "nana poop...ground" and pointed to the ground.  There was a tiny piece of poop and she was absolutely shocked this happened.  My mom realized what happened and then cleaned it up and put her back on the toilet, but the funniest part was Keira re-telling the story.  When I came down she immediately had to tell me that "I poop. Ground. Nana clean it."  It was hilarious (maybe a you had to be there moment, but I'm kind of laughing while typing this).  To this day, she still tells the story.  Girl has a steel trap for a mind.

Keeping up with her new chores...hosing and mowing

I mean, adorable.  Right?!?!

Budding gymnast

The proper way to wear a shirt

Keira has also started calling people on her phone and one time I heard her saying "hi Tina" over and over.  I asked her who she was talking to and she said Tina. Of course she must have heard my name before and put two and two together because when we ask who Tina is she points to me or says mommy.   I finally got a video of her chatting on her phone. This time she started to talk to Tina but then decided to chat with Nana.

A little afternoon wrestling

Keira loves her little sister and sometimes even calls her "my baby." She is also loving that Leila is more interactive and playing with her, but then that also means stolen toys and Leila gets angry when Keira takes a toy away from her.  Oh I can just envision the next decade or two of sisterly love and fighting.

Until June the weather gets hotter and I become somewhat of a hermit inside our home as I hate to venture out in the heat unless I truly have to.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Another crazy month!

Another crazy busy month is in the books.  As much fun as we had throughout the month, it will be nice to be able to relax a little bit on some weekends versus being on the go all the time.

Some highlights of the month included celebrating my birthday and several other of Keira's friends birthdays.  Also I traveled to Dallas for a couple days for work, which left Scott on his own however my mom did coordinate her work schedule so she could help him out with bedtimes and all.  One of the best parts of the month was when my girls from CA, Sounia and Kim, came into town to hang out.  We had a blast and it was hard to see them leave, but we will see them again soon when we head to LA for our annual 4th of July trip.

Scott and I also participated in Pat's Run (Scott's 2nd time, my first).  I am obviously a lot slower than Scott so of course he was assigned a corral way ahead of mine (corral 4 versus 17).  Any normal husband would volunteer to start in the same corral as their wife, but Scott is a 'serious runner' and didn't want to be bogged down by us slow people. It turns out by the time I started, Scott was actually finishing.  Serves him right to have to wait for me!  And let's be honest, I haven't really run in 2 1/2 years (before getting pregnant with Keira) and that was basically my first big workout since having Leila.  Smart move on my part!  It was a run/walk situation, but I finished strong and got to high five all the Sun Devil Footballers!  Was it worth waking up super early and ultimately injuring myself  it just for that and the inspirational finish?  Still debating that one.  Speaking of getting injured, somehow I messed up my knee and it's been so painful.  I'm icing it, taking advil, and all that good stuff and it's just now starting to feel better (not that that means it feels great as I'm still limping around) so hopefully I'll be 100% soon so I can get back on the workout wagon.

Now to the fun stuff.  The girls!  Oh how they are starting to fight like sisters.  It's pretty funny.  I have a feeling Leila isn't going to tolerate being bossed around.  Keira will take a toy away from her and Leila will yell really loudly at her.  Girl gets angry!  But Keira is such a sweet sister too and will get her paci if she needs it, hand her toys, and just chat with her a bit when needed.  I can already tell they are going to be the best of friends.

Leila...she is just getting so big!  She is almost 6 months old!! Where does time go?

5 month photos
Clearly Spongebob's feet taste good

She loves to watch Keira and has the best belly laugh going on.  She laughs a lot and can just get the biggest grin on her face.  The best is going to get her in the morning and once she sees you she has a huge smile on her face and sometimes she squeals in delight.  One way Leila differs from Keira is that she always has to put something in her mouth. Keira wasn't real mouthy like that so I find myself really having to keep an eye out what is sitting next to her on the mat when she's playing (i.e. newspaper that Keira has strewn around).
Loves to be in the middle of things
Sitting up like a big girl! 
First swim

Keira...girl is still cracking us up!  The things that come out of her mouth, or the facial expressions she makes, are just hilarious!  Some of her recent quips include:
  • Sings up a storm - we love all songs, but lately she will sing No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed while hitting her head pretty hard.  LOL!
  • Loves Candy (just like her mama) - for a while, after Easter, every day she would hold up one finger in front of her face and say "just one." I don't think she understood that only meant one because she would do it again, and again, and again.  It was pretty cute the way she did it.
  • Time out - not sure if time out works when your child likes it. Sometimes she will send herself to time out for absolutely no reason and then fake cry while sitting there.
  • Super clean - she likes to be clean and things around her tidy (except her books in her room of course).  If the toilet paper rips, spills her milk or it's not completely wipes up, fuzz in the bathtub which she thought was a bug she will say "ew, yucky!" and point at it.
  • Does not like flies so we had to teach her "shoo fly" so she won't freak out every time she sees one. Now she will say it automatically.
  • Loves to accessorize with bracelets and sunglasses.  When she puts on her sunglasses now she automatically turns to us and says "I pretty." We agree and say "yes, Keira is pretty" to which she replies "yeah." So far I don't think we have a self esteem issue.
  • Definitely parrots what we say as I sometimes hear her say to us or the dogs, "Hi sweetheart"
We put her to work early.  She does her own dishes.
She's also in charge of taking out the diaper trash.
Our little scholar (during a meal)

After Pat's Run hanging with the girls back home
Just eating some lunch in the kitchen
Such a helper! Wanted to feed Leila

Until next time!