Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Random Fun!

We just have so much fun at home. Here are some of the highlights of our recent adventures.

Here we're on our alphabet mat and waiting for friends to come over for the Labor Day BBQ. Can't wait to see my friends! :o)

So excited that football season is upon us and representing for ASU's first game. YAY!
Now that I'm on the move I am trying to take over the dog beds too. Poor Roxy just can't catch a break!Silly girl sticking my tongue out! That's our new thing as she recently discovered it. Oh, and spitting with her tongue. That's a fun one.Such a big girl drinking out of her sippy cup.Sticking our tongue out and loving on daddy's dirty, sweaty hat. But hey...it's Sun Devils!And of course doing my scrunchy face!!

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