Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, unfortunately no baby yet. The official due date is March 18th, but there's only so much more I can handle. I'm huge (as evidence by the beautiful photo above), uncomfortable, and more and more swollen by the day. It's good times. Scott is hoping for a St. Patty's day baby, which I'm not opposed to since that is only a little over a day away. If Keira proves to be stubborn I will be induced on Tuesday. So, there is an end in sight.

That shirt wasn't always that tight!

Scott and I also celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary yesterday, 3/14. We went to a great dinner and the waitress gave me some of the super delicious house salad dressing to take home. I should have used this pregnancy thing more to my advantage throughout instead of just realizing its power now.

A little blurry, but it's a self-portrait

Lastly, look at these cute little faces. So excited to be a big brother and sister they are anxiously anticipating the arrival of Keira. Also anxiously waiting for the baby to arrive is Scott so he can take his 6 weeks of paternity leave. However, I shouldn't be one to talk because I can't wait to get paid to have 12 whole weeks off. It's gonna be great though Scott will likely add more projects to his to do list, which equates to more money being spent. They always turn out good though so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. The next post will be about our new arrival so stay tuned!


  1. Thinking of you!!!!!!!! Your pictures look great....We are soooooooooo excited and I can't wait to see baby!! I say Saturday!!!........lol Can't tell you how excited I am ...........especially for your Mom!!!

  2. BTW...sorry I forgot......HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!
