Friday, April 8, 2011


So, we've definitely been adjusting to our new lives as parents and right now it seems like our schedules revolve completely around Keira's feeding schedule. I don't think I'm adept enough at feeding her to try the public feeding (with a nursing cover of course) so we try to get home for a feeding when we have ventured out and I've fed her in the car a couple times. That was good times! Overall she's a pretty good sleeper and definitely a good eater. She usually goes about 3 hours at a time, which is great as I don't know how I'd do it if I had to do it every 2 hours. I definitely wonder how we'll ever be able to establish a specific routine for feeding versus just winging it each day as I don't know how I'll ever be able to set an appointment or schedule anything for me in advance if I don't know when she eats. I know she's still pretty young, but when does a more regular schedule start? I wish things were more predictable as I am very type A and it's hard not knowing things right now. I know it'll get better though...hopefully!

The noises she makes crack me up. I never realized babies make so many noises. She squeaks, grunts, snorts, shouts out at random times, and more super cute noises. My favorite is when she's starting to get fussy and begins to punch her arms as she does a little grunt with each arm as its flailing. Ha ha!

My birthday was this past week and we took Keira to her first movie. She saw Hop...or more accurately slept through Hop which was awesome because it meant Scott and I could enjoy it together. It was a super cute movie. She also had her first softball outing. Scott and I both play in a recreational league that our friends head up though I've been on leave from softball since being pregnant. So, the new season began last week and we went along to cheer on Dad. She loved seeing her softball family and meeting everyone.

First bath

Keira's umbilical cord fell off (whoo hoo...I find the umbilical cord slightly gross) so she had her first bath. She did really well until we got to her hair. She smelled super clean and fresh after though.
Playing Madden

Keira also had her first gaming experience with Dad. They played Madden together. This is what I walked into. It was quite adorable. Scott also won every game he played when she was in there with him that day.

So, overall it's been an eventful - almost - 3 weeks! We can't wait to continue to keep you updated on our new lives as parents.

1 comment:

  1. The resemblance between your baby photo and Keira's is uncanny. You've got some strong genes, girl! She is so precious. I think you'll find that around 4 months she'll settle into a really good routine with naps and feeding. At least that's how it was for us. It's less on demand feeding and more of a consistent schedule where you can plan stuff. You may even be able to do it sooner, like 2 months. Hope to see you soon!
