We drove in on Thursday and met up with Lois, Loren, Scott's parents, as well as Craig's 4th brother (2nd youngest) Keith and his son Garrett (who also brought along girlfriend Roxy whom we had never met). It was so much fun to catch up with them our first night there and it was nice to chat since the remaining family members would all be arriving the next day so we wouldn't have as much one-on-one time. Scott's sister and her husband, Matt, arrived with their kids Dillan and Connor that Friday morning so Scott's whole side was now in Carlsbad. Glen (3rd brother) and Debbie and their entire family arrived throughout the day on Friday in 3 different cars (10 in all as there were Loren, Kayli and her fiance Garrison, as well as Ashley, her husband Brent, and their 3 kids). Also arriving were Scott's Uncle Todd (the 5th and youngest brother) and his family (Deanna, Katelynn, Megan, and Grant) who flew in from VA. And of course last but not least was Scott's Uncle Lyle (2nd brother). All in all Lois & Loren had their 5 sons there along with 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren (plus all significant others). Needless to say we took over the place.
We had quite the weekend and it was so wonderful to get away. This was Keira's first road trip and she was a trooper. She did a great job and only got a little fussy a couple times in the car but it wasn't for long. She doesn't like being caged up in her car seat as she likes to stretch out. The first couple days she was also a bit more fussy than normal due to over-stimulation and being overtired. If there are people around she doesn't want to sleep and as you saw above, there were a lot of people around. This resulted in her not wanting to nap much those first couple days. She got used to it though and by Sunday was a seasoned traveler.
Scott loved it as he was able to go surfing every day while there. I think he even went twice a day once. He was also able to surf with his cousins, Loren and Grant, though on different days. He, of course, had to bring three boards, which made for quite the car load, but he only used two since one had a ding in it that needed to be fixed. He was going to do it there, but didn't. So, why did we bring three boards? Yeah, that was my question too. He did fix it the night we got home though. :o)
The big celebration night for Lois was on Saturday. All the kids and grandkids wrote something and sent along some photos and Ashley put it all together. It turned out beautiful. She was beaming when glancing through some of the pages and know when Lois is able to really read it all she will love it. Everyone wrote such great messages and stories. She is such an amazing and inspirational woman. I mean, anyone who could raise 5 boys the way she did would have to be amazing, but she's done so much in her life that it's amazing.
My savior, Todd, holding Keira after he calmed her down from a fussy period
All the great grandkids (Cash, Tyler, Keira, Dillan, Deegan, and Connor)
On Sunday everyone went to Sea World. We had a blast being there and though it was cloudy at the beginning of the day, the sun definitely came out around noon. True evidence of that was my sunburn that night and the next day. In fact, I think it just went away yesterday. It hurt.Before the big celebration on Saturday, the family had arranged for a photo shoot. I mean, let's be honest...when will the entire family get together like this again? It had already been 10 years or so since the last gathering. Scott also brought his camera so below is our little family photo. the professional ones are better as Keira was getting cold so she was kind of over it by the time we had one taken with Scott's camera.
Keira also went swimming for her first time while in Carlsbad. She definitely seemed to like it as we thought she was going to cry the minute she hit the water, but she was pleasant the entire time. It was so cute.
On our way home we saw this really good looking Budweiser truck at the Circle K in Yuma while filling up on gas. If you know Scott's family at all they are a Budweiser bunch (with Scott's grandpa and father both working for Anheuser-Busch and a local distributor). We don't have anything but Anheuser-Busch products in our house.

I think everyone is pretty much over this novel that I've just written, but thought I'd clue you into our first road trip. It was a lot of fun and I hope it's not that long since we see everyone again. I hope we see everyone at Kayli's wedding next October. Now that would be fun!
I have to say, there are some GOOD pics in this album. I love your blog tina!! :)