Saturday, July 30, 2011
Dad's Birthday!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Eating solids!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Overall it was a really fun weekend and we really enjoyed it. It was nice and relaxing. We really didn't do much, which is just what I needed after working so many hours since coming back from leave. Seriously though...I'm working like 11/12 hour days but things are starting to get back on track a bit and at least I get to work from home so that helps a bit.
Friday, July 22, 2011
4 months old!
Time is going by so quickly! Keira is now 4 months old and just had her doctor's checkup. She had some more shots and was quite the trooper. She is a whopping 11.7 pounds (25th percentile). She's a little one but the doctor says she's on track for her growth and is a healthy girl. She's still in her 0-3 month clothes which I'm loving since she's getting so much use out of them, but I'm anticipating her wearing her 3-6 month clothes because they are ridiculously cute. Plus if she's so little she ain't gonna fit in any of the winter gear she has until it's too late.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Road Trip!
It's always so great to see our friends in CA and catch up with everyone. Our first day we had to go to my favorite lunch place Rascals where I also got to catch up with my old manager and great friend, Erin. Then we checked into our hotel and got ready for the beach! My friend, Sounia, met us at the beach (which was crazy busy) and it was always fun to chat with her. Keira loved her too, of course. Auntie Souns is going to make sure Keira is fluent in French.
Father's Day Fun!
Oh yeah, that's right...Scott and I went to the New Kids On The Block Backstreet Boys concert on June 30th at US Airways Arena. Scott's parents got us the tickets for my birthday (thank you, thank you) much to Scott's delight! I think deep down he was really excited because he and his friends used to sing "I want it that way" by BSB in Spanish back in the day.
I was super excited to go because NKOTB was my first ever concert when I was 10 years old. I couldn't wait to see them in concert again and to see my beloved Joey again. Oh, how I had a crush on him. I know a lot of people were all about Jordan, but it was all Joey all the time for me. I actually used to sing a song called "Bobby's Girl" around my house when I was 10 but I would replace Bobby with Joey. "I wanna be Joey's girl. I wanna be Joey's girl. That's the most important thing to me. And if I was Joey's girl, and if I was Joey's girl, what a thankful girl I'd be." You get the idea.
We went to a fabulous dinner at this pizza place downtown before...Cibo Pizzeria...and it was seriously delicious. Then we went to the concert and I had to pump in the car. Gotta bring the milk home to the little lady! :o) We missed the first opening act, Ashlyne Huff, but we don't know who she is so we didn't really care. We did get to see Jordin Sparks who, in all honesty, was kind of boring and her two dancers sucked. When the main attraction started though the noise level in the arena was out of this world! There are some die-hards out there. I truly think my ears are still ringing. By the way, my love for Joey disappeared quite fast when he came out wearing a sleeveless vest type thing and knee high boots over his jeans! Um...no thank you!
All in all, it was a great concert (Scott would likely disagree) but not as good as my Tim McGraw!
Before the concert started
Whoo hoo! It's starting!
And this was Scott when it was starting! It was loud!
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July
Also, during the day we went to our favorite breakfast joint, Local Yolk, and of course we spent some time at the beach.