We went back to our old stomping grounds and favorite place to visit over 4th of July weekend. Manhattan Beach!! We left around 4:30A so Keira would sleep for at least the first half of the drive. She's been so active lately and after she gets up from a long night's sleep she just wants to play. Plus she hates being in the carseat so we wanted to get a jumpstart on the day. The first part of the trip to Blythe was great. Second part...not so great. We had a couple meltdowns and had to pull over a couple times with the remaining part of the trip being Scott leaning over from the passenger seat to put her pacifier back in so she wouldn't cry. Then we got to hear her protest behind her pacifier until she spit it out. It was a good time!
It's always so great to see our friends in CA and catch up with everyone. Our first day we had to go to my favorite lunch place Rascals where I also got to catch up with my old manager and great friend, Erin. Then we checked into our hotel and got ready for the beach! My friend, Sounia, met us at the beach (which was crazy busy) and it was always fun to chat with her. Keira loved her too, of course. Auntie Souns is going to make sure Keira is fluent in French.

First time with her feet in the sand. The fist is more exciting though.

First time with her feet in the water. Didn't faze her because that fist is so darn tasty!

That first night we went to a BBQ at Muna's place and it was tasty. Johnny cha cha'd with Keira and it was so fabulous to see everyone else at the party that we haven't seen in over a year!

The next morning we headed down to Huntington Beach so Scott could surf and we could meet up with some friends. While Scott surfed Keira and I took a stroll. She was so cute in her stroller but of course she wasn't having any of that and needed to be out looking around. So I had to carry her and push the stroller about 80% of the walk. After our walk we had breakfast at Sugar Shack with Scott's college roommate, Brian, and his fiancee. It was so wonderful to see them and after we left we realized we didn't get any photos with them. We'll have to make it out there again soon to rectify that.

After breakfast we went to see our friends, Victor and Gen, who just had a baby two weeks before. She was totally adorable and is the spitting image of her daddy.

Saturday was definitely a busy day as we then went to our friends, Pawel and Jiyoung's, house for another BBQ. They always cook delicious food and it lived up to expectations this time as well. They have the most adorable 2 1/2 year old daughter who is so darn smart. She definitely wore Scott out as he ran around and played with her for about 75% of the time we were there. They were playing on the swingset, going down the slide (yes, Scott was too), hanging in the "fort" on the playground, and blowing bubbles. Plus there were monkeys chasing them so they had to run around!

Overall it was such a great weekend! It was jam packed, but so worth it as we got to see so many people we care about. Can't wait to do it again soon!
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