Monday, February 21, 2011

Lazy days!

So, it's the end of a 3 day weekend with President's Day, but I've totally extended my 3 day weekend into a 5 day weekend! That means I have two more days of nothing. Well, technically I took these days off to finalize baby preparations but let's be honest, we're pretty much done. Saturday felt pretty productive with us going bowling with some friends, I had a pedicure, and we watched 127 Hours. Pretty good movie! James Franco did a great job though I still think Colin Firth should - and will - win the Oscar this upcoming weekend. Other than that I didn't do much except normal weekend chores. It was raining all weekend so it was awesome to just be inside, curled up on the couch...even though I was uncomfortable most of the time due to my expanding size. Nothing else new to report. I pretty much did nothing all day today except reading on my Kindle and watching some TV with the pups. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and that's the extent of my day.

Some exciting news to report is that Scott and I bought a new digital SLR camera! Whoo hoo! It will arrive on Wednesday and we are so excited for it. It took Scott several days to figure out which camera, lens, etc, to purchase - and if you know him you know he is crazy indecisive - but he finally figured it out. So, when we get the camera expect lots of new photos...maybe not of my expanding size (though I may buckle down and get one more shot) but definitely pictures of the nursery will be coming shortly. Stay tuned!

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