Saturday, February 26, 2011

Holy Cankles Batman!!

After a long work day with real shoes on!

Seriously?!?! It has been cankle city here this past week and I am none too pleased. I am 37 weeks and if I have to deal with this for the next 3 weeks I don't know if I can handle it. Yikes!! I've been elevating my feet as much as possible and at night the swelling comes down for the most part. My one saving grace is that I don't have to go to an office for work so I don't need to wear real shoes. I generally cruise around in barefeet or my flip flops. So, any of you who've been pregnant before have any advice for me?

1 comment:

  1. Its live your past.......does CABBAGE PATCH come to poor thing....But, you are assuming the correct position....Now.....STAY THERE!!! Your almost to the finish line and what a production it will be.........((HUGS))) How is Grandma holding up!! is she vibrating more by the hour???? LOL Hug her too!!
