Friday, May 27, 2011

Idle Hand Bars!

Could they be any more yummy? I don't think so! Scott's cousin, Megan, loves to bake and has a blog for all the recipes she's tried. If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE anything with peanut butter and chocolate together. So, when I saw her recipe for Idle Hand Bars I said, yes please! So, I finally tried them and they were as advertised...DELICIOUS! Also, as an added bonus, it only took about 20 minutes to prepare and then a couple hours in the refrigerator before we could enjoy.

I had a few but had to make Scott take them to work with him so I wouldn't devour the entire pan. Yum! I suggest you checking out the recipe as well as some of the others on her blog Nutmeg.

1 comment:

  1. look at them!!!! haha seriously those things are the death of me. wayy too addicting :) hahaha. miss you guys. keira is getting so big!!
