Friday, May 27, 2011

Zoo day!

My friend, Adria, and I finally got together for a day at the zoo after talking about it for months. I believe we started talking about doing it back in February or so and we were going to go several times while I was on maternity leave, but we were slackers and every time we tried to schedule it we had to reschedule due to something coming up. However, we finally went this past Wednesday and had a blast. I wish we had done it sooner as it would have been much cooler out, but it wasn't 100 yet so that's all that matters.

Keira, Isla and Emme with the giraffe

After getting lost (don't ask me how as I know where the zoo is) and having to call Scott to direct me from the intersection I was at since my phone was acting up, we met Adria and her adorable girls at the zoo on Wednesday morning. We went in and had a blast catching up and checking out the animals. Since Keira and Emme (Adria's 7 month old daughter) are too little to really appreciate the animals, it was fun to see Isla's face light up at the sight of some of them (namely the giraffe and otter though I like to think she liked the Orangutan I pointed out to her as well).

Keira and the elephant (way in the background)

Scott and I plan on getting a membership to the zoo after the summer is over as there are several great events there in the Fall and Winter. We can't wait to go back again and I know Scott is excited to share in the zoo experience with Keira.

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