Sunday, June 5, 2011

Milestone Updates!

Keira is 11 weeks old today and has really been knocking off certain milestones and life events.

  • Smiling and giggling
  • Her best friend is the ceiling fan. She laughs and talks to it all the time.
  • Very vocal - talking to herself and others
  • Squeals loud when she's super excited
  • Sleeping like a champ - going down between 7:30p & 8p and only waking up once at night to eat. Then goes back down and sleeps until anywhere between 5:30a and 7:30a depending on the day.
  • Tracking objects and people (follows Scott when he gets home and walks in the house)
  • Holding her head up and doing mini push ups
  • Found her hands, fingers and thumbs
  • Looks at her feet but isn't quite sure what to make of them yet
  • Likes to stand with help
  • Loves her Bumbo chair for certain period of time
  • Blows bubbles and is drooling a bit
  • Holding things more and bringing them to her mouth
  • Had her first road trip (see McFarland Family Reunion post)
  • First swim (see McFarland Family Reunion post)
  • My favorite: Rolled over (story below)
She rolled over at 10 weeks (on 6/1) in her pack 'n play though I didn't get to see it. I put her on her tummy for a nap and went to check on her a few minutes later and she was on her back smiling at the fan. I was disappointed I didn't get to see it, but I flipped her back over and she went to sleep. Well, last night after her 2:30AM feeding I put her on her tummy to go back to sleep (she sleeps on her stomach now since that's how she sleeps best and the pediatrician said it was fine), and since she was moving around a bit and I didn't want to have to go to bed only to come back in again, I sat in the chair waiting for her to settle. I shut my eyes for a minute and got up to check on her a few minutes later only to find her on her back smiling. I turned her back on her tummy and stood there a minute. Lo and behold she tucked her legs under her with her bum in the air, pushed her legs up into her upward dog and shoved herself onto her side. She teetered there for a minute and then pushed onto her back. Again with a big grin!! It was too adorable. Since I don't talk to her in the middle of the night as I don't want to engage her and have her think it's time to play I could only smile at her. It was so hard not to talk to her, but after I turned her over again she finally settled and went to sleep.

The big brother and sister watching over their baby.

First World of Warcraft (WOW) experience with Dad

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