Friday, June 17, 2011

Back to work!

Well, 12 weeks sure does go by quickly. I just finished my first week back at work. There have been lots of changes, which is really exciting as it's almost like starting a new job but knowing at least how to process things through the system. I get to work with a whole new group of leaders at the bank which is great! It was a pretty hectic week in getting my systems up and running and getting up to speed, so I am very happy the weekend is here. Plus I forgot how much working will take it out of you. I was happy to be back at work though as I was starting to go stir crazy at home. I mean, there's only so much shopping one can do whether it's online or in the store. Scott's probably happy I'm back at work because I won't be spending as much money.

Next week will be my first time away from Keira for any length of time which I have mixed feelings about. I'm excited to get a night of uninterrupted sleep (though she is only waking once a night right now) but I'm sad to have to leave her for 3 days. I have to go to Chicago for a team meeting. I'm excited to see Chicago though I'm not excited to have to pump for three days and get it through security on my way home. Ugh!

Overall it was a hectic week and I still need to figure out how to juggle work, the baby, working out, and everything that comes along with being a parent. Slowly but surely we are getting through it all and learning as we go!

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