Friday, June 17, 2011

Keira got baptized!

On June 12, 2011, we had some family and friends come together for Keira's special day - her baptism! It was really great to have our close friends and family join us in the celebration and we were especially thrilled that Brandon accepted being her Godfather as him and his family had to fly all the way in from TX. We so appreciate them coming out on their 5th year anniversary as well. Plus, we got to see their little cutie, Ellie, who is 6 months old now. She was just too adorable.

I think she has the best godparents in Kelly and Brandon. Afterwards we had a little celebration at the house though Keira was pretty tuckered out from being such a trooper at the mass prior to the actual baptism.

Holy Water being poured on her head

Cousin Dillan fixing her hair prior to the ceremony

Fabulous friends who came out in support (Wes, Christina, Penny and Dave - the photographer)

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