Friday, August 26, 2011

Check out my ears!

Yes, I'm one of those parents. I just had to get her ears pierced. My belief on this is that the younger they are the less they'll mess with them. I have to tell you, she has yet to mess with her ears and she got them pierced on August 1st. So we've been able to clean them and turn them and haven't had any issues. I can't wait to put her new earrings in that my mom bought her, but we have to wait until mid-September (6 weeks) to do that. She just looks so cute with her new earrings.

Scott was distraught that I was ruining his baby girl, but alas she is adorable and loves her new earrings (I like to think she told me so).

At the doctor's office ready for our ear piercing appointment!! So EXCITED! :o)So excited with her little earrings (you likely need to make the picture larger to see them)!

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