Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cinnamon Chip Scones

Okay, this is seriously one of the best recipes I've tried recently.  Though I did this a few months ago of course since I have been MIA in posting it's a bit late.  Scott's cousin, Megan, has her own blog called Nutmeg and she posts these amazing recipes with awesome pictures so you can actually see how it's supposed to look step by step (which I definitely need).  I commented on her post about how she needed to send some our way since she indicated the cinnamon chips needed could sometimes be elusive, so she was so sweet and actually printed out the recipe for me and sent me some cinnamon chips!  I was so excited that I got everything needed and made them the next day.  They are seriously delicious and I can't wait to make them again soon.  I found the cinnamon chips at one of our local grocery stores!!!  If you check out the Cinnamon Chip Scones recipe make sure you check out some of her other recipes as well.  SOOO good!

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