Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's been awhile...

Wow! It has been quite some time since I last updated you.  It has been so busy with work and juggling things at home and of course all the birthday parties, family outings, holidays, etc, that have been happening the last couple months.  It would take me forever to update you on every single thing and you can check more photos out on Facebook, so I'll just add a few photos and highlights.

11 Months

1 Year

We still have yet to hit 20 pounds and this girl is active and running all over the place, but we'll get there one day.


This little lady was very excited for Easter this year.  We had an Easter Egg Hunt at our community center a couple weeks before Easter and then we had a fabulous brunch with Scott's family and my mom on Easter Sunday.

Other Misc Fun

We love swimming and running around on the pool deck as well as eating corn on the cob when we can.  Keira loves food though you wouldn't know it by her size.  She would seriously eat 24/7 if we let her.  

Until next time...and I promise it won't be as long.    

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