Friday, February 4, 2011


Me and Scott at Zoo Lights December 2010!

I'm not going to beat around the bush with this. I'm not the funniest, most witty person around so likely anything written will be quite boring - unless Scott is the one to post. So, feel free to read at your leisure.

Right now I am "working." Quotes were used due to the fact that I have my personal and work computer up, but am writing this post instead of actually checking emails or calling clients. I am going back and forth a little bit, but I'd say my time is being used 75% blog/25% work right at this moment. We've started this blog to give everyone a glimpse into our lives. We're not that exciting, so feel free to stop reading here. Though, I will give you a brief update of what's going on if you'd like to know.

First, we are having a baby in March! YAY! Can't wait as I have been increasingly uncomfortable. So far so good on the swelling part though I'm guessing that will come soon enough. However, sleeping pretty much sucks. I have a body pillow, which my mom got me and it's fabulous though I am just not comfortable and I wake up every couple hours. I guess my body is prepping me for sleepless nights that will be coming shortly, but if you know me at all you know I value my sleep. Eight hours generally doesn't work for me. I'm at 100% with a good 9 to 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Not gonna happen any time soon. You can see in the picture below that I'm getting bigger by the day, but of course that's to be expected with only 6 weeks left before we get to meet our baby girl.

So, I'm sure there's an easier way to place photos where I want them to be. Since this is my first foray into blogging I would appreciate any comments to advise how to actually insert a photo. This one took quite a while and I'm sure it's easier than I made it. If not, I'm not sure how many photos I will be uploading in the future. To insert the photo I clicked on the 'add image' icon when I composed this and after uploading the picture, it went straight to the top of the post. So, I had to go into 'edit HTML' and do all this other stuff I'm not good at. Any advice is very appreciated!!

So, Keira Nicole McFarland is due on March 18th and we have already completed the nursery. I will post photos once I take them, however my slacker of a husband still has his one task to do in there. That's the artwork. I'm not very creative at all, so he is in charge of that. He is very talented and is painting each letter of her name on a small canvas to put on the wall. He's doing it in jungle animals and the ones I've seen so far are great. However, he is only to the I and the K and the E are only about 85% finished. He just hasn't been "feeling it" lately to finish. Again, if you know me at all you know I'm a planner. So, I am now stressing over something I really have no control over. Not acceptable! I mean, I know she won't be in her room for a couple months, but realistically how much time will he have to complete those paintings once she's here? Yeah, pretty sure we're all on the same page now.

So, we do have a very busy month with our upcoming Superbowl party, more baby classes, finishing to prepare for Keira's arrival, work and life in general! So, signing off for now.

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