I know everyone out there has been anxiously anticipating my next post, so here it is! First, I had to post a picture of the cutest puppies around. Yes, even though they are almost 1 1/2 years old they are still my little babies. Look at those faces! Roxy is the chocolate lab and Koa is the Golden Retriever. They went to the vet a couple weeks ago for their annual exams and they were super excited - especially because Roxy absolutely LOVES to go in the car. Koa...not so much. They get to the vet and there are so many good smells and then we have to go into the exam room. They are still very excited and fine, but when they come back from getting shots they are pretty much ready to go. They both had 3 booster shots and were exhausted by the time we got home. They are always such troopers though! Plus, we had to make sure we got them in before Keira's arrival so we had to make sure they were all healthy. They are so ready to be a big brother and sister. Now, however, they need a bath because they seriously smell!
We also had our annual Superbowl party and that was a blast! We had some great friends come over, great food to eat, and enjoyed watching the game (and of course the commercials). We usually have this party every year though last year since we were just moving into the house we weren't able to have it. We were pretty distraught about it, but now we're back in business. Also, this year we expanded our NFL pick 'em league so some of the competitors came (including our big winner), which was quite the treat.
Valentine's Day was this week and in all honesty Scott and I have never been big V-Day celebrators. It's definitely a Hallmark holiday, but it is of course nice to express your love for that special someone when maybe you don't every day of the year. With that said, we don't usually go the gift route but we always do a nice card and some candies. This year Scott also brought me flowers and cooked me a delicious meal (since we refuse to go out to dinner like the rest of the world on V-Day)! Seriously though...the meal was ridiculously good! We had bacon wrapped filet mignon (yeah, start salivating now), sauteed mushrooms, and the most amazing Cheesy potatoes au gratin (Williams Sonoma recipe)! We also had bread to complement the meal and we opted out of a salad since we were having so much food already. Let me tell you, those potatoes are delicious heated up as well. I've had them every day since. I was a bit bummed though because I bought myself some Sparkling Apple Cider and I forgot about it. I had it Tuesday night instead. Look at that deliciousness below!! YUMMY!!

In case everyone was curious about Scott's progress on his artwork...well, it's coming along slowly but surely. He has now finished each of the letters for Keira's name though he has to put final touches on them and then fill in the background. So, to me, the hardest part is over, but what do I know since I'm not the artist!
We have about 4 weeks left until her arrival (if she's on time of course), so he should have some time. Also, we haven't overscheduled ourselves too much in these coming weekends because we need to finish preparations. Well, let's be honest, I've been done preparing at this point excluding some minor things but I am a planner and have had things done for a little while now. Car seats in the car, hospital bag packed and in the car, CDs and movies ready to go for the hospital, nursery done, laundry done, registry complete, etc. I will say though that we are both excited for our maternity/paternity leave. It can be quite difficult to make oneself be productive when I know I'll be on leave for a whole 12 weeks! What you say?!?!? 12 Weeks!! I know, Bank of America is pretty awesome! Scott even gets 6 weeks off with American Express so he is anxiously awaiting his leave as well. He has set himself a little to do list of projects he wants to complete (i.e. backsplash our kitchen, play Xbox, yardwork, etc). He is always such a go getter whereas I'm happy just chillin' on the couch.
Last weekend I did have my first bout with pregnancy swelling, which I was none too pleased about. Saturday was extremely busy with a baby prep class, lunch with a great friend, a couple errands, and by the time I got home I looked down and I had cankles!! WHAT?!?! This could not be! Immediately I got lazy and sat my butt on the couch to elevate my feet. This seemed to help a bit and a lot of the swelling went down, but there went all my productivity to clean the house. I mean, hello, I had cankles! I cannot clean like that! The next morning the swelling was gone, thankfully, and now I've been more aware...i.e. I've been more lazy than normal! :o) I also had my first weekly doctor's visit this past Monday, which went well. A bit invasive if you ask me, but I guess it comes with the territory when you're this far along. Oh, and I had to have blood drawn and anyone who knows me knows my fear of needles. I have been working on it though and there were no tears. It's pretty much a mental thing because every time I get a shot or have blood drawn I anticipate the worst and when it's over I'm like, that's it?
So, that's about it on updates for now. I'm sure you're all bored by now, so until next time...
I think we need more belly pics and baby updates on this blog!