Well, the little lady is 6 months old now! Wow how time flies! She just had her 6 month appointment today and was a trooper while getting her shots. She is healthy and growing strong and really wanted to run around the doctor's office instead of being held but I wasn't about to let her crawl on the floor there. Plus, she was so feisty that she shredded the sanitary paper laid on the table before the doctor even came in. Of course when the doctor was talking she was all smiley and flirty. Classic Keira!
This visit she weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds 13 ounces. She can finally fit in her 3 to 6 month clothes (YAY)! Let's be honest though, I was so over her others that even before she hit the minimum weight for her new wardrobe I put her in them. I have to make sure she wears everything at least once.
She is quite the active one: she crawls, runs in her walker, loves to swim, loves to eat, standing with support (and even by herself when leaning on something), trying to push herself up to a standing position, and more. The good thing about all this activity is how tired it makes her. She naps 3 times a day (usually 1 to 2 hours) and sleeps from 7p to 6:30a.
It was quite funny when we introduced some fruits to her the other day. The first night we tried bananas and that was a no go. She made a face and did not want any of that. Also we tried apples and those were also a no go. The girl just loves her veggies! Definitely takes after her dad on that. However, we finally tried some peaches and she seemed to like those. Making progress!
Halloween is coming up soon and we are thinking hard on what we should do as a family. Scott has several ideas so we'll see which one wins.