Of course the trip didn't start or end relaxing though. We left around 3:00AM since Keira would be sleeping during that time. How ideal, right? Well, of course she was awake the entire first hour - though she wasn't crying or anything. Then she finally fell asleep for about a half hour and then Koa decided to vomit. Poor guy gets car sick. So, we had to pull over to clean it up and it was a mess. So that woke Keira up. She was then up for another hour or so and fell asleep about 30 minutes outside Yuma. The minute we stopped to get gas though she was up again. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Koa threw up another 2 times before we got to Yuma. That was a good time. We made it the rest of the way to San Diego without any puke and were more than ready to start our vacation.
We didn't do much except go to the beach, Scott surfed, we ate a lot, and we went to the USS Midway to check it out. We also took the dogs and baby for a walk every morning which was really great. The weather was perfect and so many people are doing things in the mornings over there. I also worked one day since SD is part of my territory so I just took Monday off as well. Plus it didn't hurt that some longtime friends of ours who live in Mesa came that weekend as well since they have a condo in SD. It's funny because they live in Gilbert but the only time we ever see them is in SD. Keira absolutely loved them! Oh, and we did go tour the USS Midway which was pretty awesome! So crazy to see how all those guys lived on the ocean.
The drive home was also quite the adventure. Koa again got sick and we had to pull over several times. My favorite was when he got sick when we got to Yuma and about 10 seconds prior to us getting him out of the car for a walk. Oh, and did I mention that he puked all over my sweater, which was luckily on top of my diaper bag otherwise it would have been in the diaper bag. Yuck! Also, that's when Keira decided sleep wasn't for her so the 6 hours we were in the car she slept a total of 70 minutes. Again, she actually wasn't too bad and only fussed every now and then but she refused to go to sleep. Maybe she was worried Koa might puke on her since he was drooling all over her when he was standing over her car seat with his head. Hmm?!?! We ultimately made it home and she went down for a nap so we could unpack the car and all.
We are now home and happy. I love vacation but there is just something about being in your own bed. Even though the weather isn't as great I'm okay with that as there is a light at the end of this HOT tunnel!
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